Board Of Deacons​
The office of Deacon, as set forth in scripture (Acts 6:1-6), is one of witness, wisdom, and service. Deacons play a vital service role in both the day-to-day operation and spiritual life of the church. The Board of Deacons ministers the congregation in a variety of ways by: ushering and greeting, feeding others, serving communion, caring for the homebound, and planning fellowship events. If you are in need of Deacon care, or would be interested in becoming a Deacon, please contact Pastor Beth at or 630-323-6522.
At CPC, Deacons serve the congregation in many ways.
To better welcome all who come to worship here, Deacons organize groups of congregational volunteers to provide ushering and greeting service each week.
Fellowship Hour/Coffee Service on Sunday Morning
To help build fellowship within the congregation, Deacons organize groups of congregational volunteers to serve weekly coffee and cookies in Fellowship Hall between services.
Deacons help prepare communion (sometimes called the Lord’s Supper) for our church community by setting up the elements before worship and organizing the bread baking. Both Deacons and Elders serve communion during worship.
J.O.Y. (Jesus Outreach to You)
Deacons serve Communion (2-3x per year) at home with members and friends for whom attending worship is difficult or impossible. Also, Deacons share the love of God through the joy of flowers. The flowers on our communion table and under the cross, generously donated each week by various church members, will be passed out to those that may be in need of a smile, support, fellowship, celebration, or condolences.
Concern and Outreach
Deacons offer prayer and service (outreach, correspondence, transportation, meal trains, etc.) to our church in many of life’s situations. Deacons also organize Charlotte’s Closet, which provides gently used, donated clothing items to various organizations.
Congregational Life
Deacons organize a number of key fellowship activities throughout the year: Picnics, a Progressive Dinner, the Mardi Gras Party, and the community Thanksgiving Dinner.
For further information or if you know of a need related to any of these programs, please contact Pastor Beth at or 630-323-6522.