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Amos Group

Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24

Quick links

The Amos Group was formed in mid-2020, as a part of CPC's mission and outreach, in response to the social unrest that intensified after the death of George Floyd in late May 2020.


The members of the Amos Group believe we are each called by God to stand up for people in God’s family -- people who have been harmed, intentionally or unintentionally, by systemic racism and by policies that have unfairly affected health and economic well-being and placed a ceiling on people’s advancement. The Amos Group is committed to help our church and our communities understand the history of racism and the laws, policies, and institutional barriers that are holding people back. In addition to seeking to understand and communicate the context and history of racism in our society, the Amos Group will help to facilitate conversations that recognize the role of White people in perpetuating those laws, policies, and barriers.


The Amos Group is committed to actively work on behalf of changes that will move our church, communities, and nation towards equity and justice for everyone. We are also committed to the hard work of identifying our own complicity in a system that privileges most of us – to do the self-examination that may identify our own racism, and to work to change ourselves.


In accordance with our statement of purpose and conviction -- “Following Christ, we stand against racism and strive for social justice” -- the Amos Group will work to accomplish its goals through study, conversation, advocacy and action.

Amos Group Activities

For the latest news, visit the Events page or the Thursday Blast

​You Can Help!


The Amos Group seeks to provide helpers for local organizations that support the under-served in our communities. Watch for current opportunities!


The Amos Lending Library is up and running! Come and borrow a book, or drop off a donation. still taking donations!

 If you wish to borrow any materials, you can sign them out from the office. We are still happy to receive more books – including more copies of books we already have. If you have any to contribute, please take them to the church office with a note that they are for the Amos Group Lending Library. (Or you can send Gregg Morton an email and one of us will happily pick up your donations.)


Self Study Essays by Amos Group Study Leaders

April 2021 Gregg M.

May 2021 Janet P

June 2021 Ruth K.

August 2021 Kate R.

September 2021 Judy S.

Amos Group News
Amos Group Resources

Amos Group Resources


The Amos group has gathered resources that include books, articles, movies, TED talks, and webinars. We hope that it stimulates your growth, as it is doing with ours.


We are always adding new resources, so keep checking the resources files!

Amos Group Resources
Amos Group Adult Ed

Amos Group Adult Ed

Fall 2021


Small Groups: We will soon be in touch with the people who have signed up for the White Privilege – Let’s Talk groups to coordinate schedules. We are excited to share this material with you! If you missed our September 30 deadline, please contact Gregg Morton. to see if there is a chance of still getting into a group.


(See above News Section for more information)

If you missed the 2020-2021 sessions, course materials and resources can be found below

Talking About Racism Detailed Course Des
Talking About Racism Detailed Course Des

Sunday, September 20, 2020

"Dialogue on Faith and Racism"

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson from the Chicago Presbytery (bio here)


Participants will begin to consider the ways in which our Christian faith as Presbyterians informs our understanding of our Calling as the Church in relationship to systemic racism


Click here to watch a video for the session


Click here for lesson materials


Sunday, September 27

"Why Is It So Difficult to Talk About Racism; Racism 101"

Kris Veenbaas, Leader


Why Is It So Difficult to Talk About Racism:  Participants will begin to consider the ways in which our Christian faith as Presbyterians informs our understanding of our Calling as the Church in relationship to systemic racism. Kris Veenbaas is facilitating this Sunday's discussion on "Racism 101" and "Why it is so Difficult to talk about Racism?" 


 Why Is It so Difficult to Talk about Racism Handout


Racism 101 Handout


Racism 101 Slide Presentation


Sunday, October 4

"A History of Racism in the United States: 1492 – 1954 "

Amy Hall, Leader


How we are wrapped into our history even if we do not mean to be and are shaped by it?


History of Racism Part 1 Handout

History of Racism Part 2 Handout

History of Racism Parts 1 and 2 Slide Presentation

"The Color of Law" by Richard Rothstein review  


Sunday, October 11

"A History of Racism in the United States: 1954-present"

Geoff Silver, Leader


How we are wrapped into our history even if we do not mean to be and are shaped by it?


History of Racism Part 3 Handout

History of Racism Part 4 Handout


Sunday, October 18 from 10:45-11:45 am

"White Privilege and the Implications for Our Segregated Church"

Gregg Morton, Leader


What is White Privilege? We will work to unmask manifestations of white privilege in our everyday lives and discuss the impact of white privilege on people of color. Do Segregated Churches Imply Racism? Consider which is the call for the body of Christ – segregated worship or fully integrated worship


Reading Material:


"White Privilege"

"Do Segregated Churches Imply Racism?"

"White Privilege" Slide Presentation (handout version)

     Speaking notes

"Do Segregated Churches Imply Racism" Slide Presentation (handout version)

     Speaking notes

Sunday, January 17, 2021

10:45 am

"Is Affirmative Action Still Needed"

Leader: Gregg Morton


In this session, we will discuss

  • What is Affirmative Action

  • How does it work?

  • Pros and cons of continuing the program


Reading Material:

"Is Affirmative Action Still Needed?" Handout

"Is Affirmative Action Still Needed?" Powerpoint slide show



Sunday, January 24, 2021

10:45 am

"The Bible and Racism"

Leader: Amy Hall


Reading Material:

"The Bible and Racism" Part 1 Handout

"The Bible and Racism" Part 2 Handout






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