About our leadership
The Session
All aspects of the church and its mission are governed by the Session, which is comprised of the Pastors and 18 Elders elected by the congregation. Elders serve for three-year terms.
Session Committees:
- Administration and Personnel (A&P)
- Christian Education – Children (CE-C)
- Christian Education – Youth (CE-Y)
- Communication (Promotion and Advertising Form)
- House and Grounds (H&G)
- Mission, Education & Outreach
- Nominating
- Finance
- Endowment - Legacy Fund
- Stewardship
- Worship & Music (W&M)
Most committees welcome and need additional interested members and friends of the congregation. Resources for learning about the structure and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in general are available at Presbyterian Church (USA).
A detailed report of the ministries and budget of CPC is provided each January at the Annual Meeting of the congregation. For a copy of this year’s report, call the church office at 630/323-6522 or click below.
The Board of Deacons
The office of Deacon, as set forth in scripture (Acts 6:1-6), is one of witness, wisdom, and service. Deacons play a vital service role in the both the day-to-day operation and spiritual life of the church. The Board of Deacons ministers the congregation in a variety of ways by: ushering and greeting, feeding others, serving communion, caring for the homebound, and planning fellowship events. If you are in need of Deacon care, or would be interested in becoming a Deacon, please contact Pastor Beth at lbeth.fd@chcpc.org.