Worship God with CPC
in-person and
Sunday, September 8 9:30 am
​​"Working for Justice"​
James 1:17-27
Rev. Beth Freese Dammers​
Miss worship? Visit the Worship on Demand page and watch the worship recording at your leisure!
Sunday recordings will be available by Monday afternoon.
Vimeo viewers: This Sunday you temporarily find the livestream at https://vimeo.com/event/106822.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Want to Worship in Person?
We are so glad you are interested in attending worship at CPC. Worship is Sundays at 9:30. Sunday School is offered most Sundays during the school year during the worship hour.
Communion is served the first Sunday of each month.
Questions? Visit the links below or reach out to Pastor Beth
We love seeing you in person and hope that you enjoy seeing each other. Since there will always be contagious respiratory diseases (e.g., seasonal flu and COVID), we encourage you to participate at a level where you feel comfortable.
Want to Worship at Home?
While we wish you were with us in the Sanctuary, we realize that isn't always possible. Every Sunday we have live streaming available for those watching at home, on vacation, or wherever you are!
Our online host will greet you each week. We hope you say hello in the chat or sign into the online pew pad. No registration required, but we'd love to know you are worshipping with on Sundays!​
Need help connecting to worship? Make a comment in the chat, visit our livestream help page,
contact the office or Stephanie Rens-Domiano, Director of Digital Platforms
Prepackaged Communion Delivery
Worshipping from home? Would you appreciate having communion juice and wafer delivered to you so you have communion elements ready to use during online worship? We are happy to bring you a supply of prepackaged communion elements. Please click here to email Pastor Beth and we'll deliver to your home!
Pastor Beth is also always available to share Communion with you in your home. Please reach out to Pastor Beth to make arrangements.
Prayer Requests
Please email Pastor Beth with your prayer requests indicating if you desire for them to be shared in public worship or shared only with the staff. Prayers can also be shared during worship, in person and online, except for Communion Sundays. Prayers to be included in Sunday worship need to be received by 8:00 am Sunday morning.