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Stephen Ministry

Community Presbyterian Church gladly offers Stephen Ministry to our members and friends.  Stephen Ministry is “grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another.”  Through this one-to-one caring relationship, many who are experiencing a life changing situation can receive the love, care and support that they need.  Stephen Ministers are lay caregivers, offering confidential support for members going through difficult times. Stephen Ministers receive extensive training, continuing education and confidential supervision.


Everyone goes through a difficult time. Having someone to care, listen and share God’s love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress or loneliness you may be experiencing.

​Stephen Ministry helps meet the needs of people who are:

-   lonely or depressed

-   terminally ill

-   experiencing the loss of a loved one

-   disabled

-   in job crisis

-   affected by a financial setback

-   struggling with their faith in God

-   experiencing relationship problems

-   facing any other life transitions

​A Stephen Minister is:

-   a child of God who walks beside a hurting person

-   a trained, caring Christian friend who really listens

-   a lay person


A Stephen Minister is not:

-   replacing the pastor

-   a professional counselor

-   a problem solver

-   a casual visitor

-   a seminary-trained Minister of the Word and Sacrament

​Stephen Ministry is:

-   a commitment to caring and supporting one another

-   a one-to-one, confidential ministry by trained, caring lay ministers

-   a meaningful way for our congregation to more fully use our talents to share both our burdens and our joys

-   a response to scripture encouraging us to bear one another's burdens

Stephen Ministry Leaders:

Barb Coop, Carol Crimmins, and Gregg Morton.


Serving as Stephen Ministers at this time:
Gary Coop, Ann Jaltuch, Wayne Leopold, Betty Ann Morton, Kit Olah and Janet Plate.


To receive care or to become a Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Beth Freese Dammers, pastor 630-323-6522; Barbara Coop, Stephen Minister Leader (630) 963-8474; or by confidential email to

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