Presbyterian Women
We are an inclusive, caring community of women who share fellowship, nurture faith, and support local and worldwide missions. Events are open to all women of Community Presbyterian Church and their guests. PW can offer many ways to strengthen your commitment to Christ by joining together with other women who also share that commitment. It is a valuable way to meet new friends, reach out to others, and grow in your faith. We hope you will join us as often as possible!
Presbyterian Women 2024-25
Circles meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month (morning, afternoon and evening) for fellowship and study.
NEW PW 2024-25 STUDY GUIDE: This year, we will reflect on the ways people have encountered Jesus in the study guide,
"Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation" by Patricia K. Tull with Suggestions for Leaders by Rebecca Barnes​
Patricia K. Tull, author of the 2024–2025 PW/Horizons Bible describes her call for creation justice in this way: “When I first learned of the climate crisis, I wondered how a biblical scholar with few practical skills could help and found my purpose in learning about ecology and teaching people of faith what I could. Such is not everyone’s skillset or desire, but each of us has something to do with all our hearts.”
We invite you to join Presbyterian Women as we explore, with all our hearts, God’s call to care for our neighbors and for creation. Readers will learn about ecological systems, the challenges we face in this time of accelerated climate change, and the possibilities available to address or counter the impact of human-made stress on our environment. Further, readers will explore theological questions that point us to act and engage, in small and large ways.
Click here for more details and a listing of other resources for this study
All are welcome to join at any time. Study books will be ordered in early June. To order, call Donna G or Pat D. Missed the deadline? We can still get the reading material to you.
For more information and any questions please contact: Co-Moderators: Linda Cirillo and Gloria Tatar
General Meetings and Programs
First Tuesday of every month – September to May – in Fellowship Hall. Reservations are not needed. Meetings include pot-luck and bag lunches, a Christmas Open House, and the Faith and Fellowship Breakfast in May. See below for the current years' Program Schedule.
Presbyterian Women Circles
Bible study groups meet the fourth Tuesday of every month either in members' homes or the church parlor. Choose a morning, afternoon or evening group to meet your schedule. The Horizon's 2023-24 Study guide is Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts by Olive Mahabir with Suggestions for Leaders by Angelica Quiñonez Cubero.
Please join us for thoughtful discussions among a supportive group of women. Contact Linda Cirillo or Diane Cryer for more specifics on Circle meeting times and locations.
Mission Projects
PW supports many mission projects both at home and abroad. We participate in funding mission projects through our PW Mission Pledge that is distributed by the Presbytery of Chicago. Special offerings throughout the year provide funding for donations to organizations selected annually. We also directly support Association House, Pillars Community Services, Family Shelter Services, and Kemmerer Village through monetary, toy and clothing drives and volunteer means.
PW Programs 2024-25
Join us in Fellowship Hall for delicious sweets and coffee before the presentation.
September 3 12:30 pm
Water Colors: Art in Spiritual Development
Rev. Jess Scholten, associate pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, WI, gives us her perspective on art and creativity in spiritual development as we create watercolor art. ​
October 1
Walking Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Oak Park
Today we will go on a “field trip” as Donna Gabanski takes us on a walking architectural tour of Wright’s Oak Park homes.
November 5
No program today. It’s Election Day. GO VOTE!!
December 3 12:30pm
Christmas Tea Note: we will meet in the Gathering Room
Winter Break
Winter Break
March 4 12:30pm
Bison Tales and Tallgrass Trails
Cindy Crosby, our presenter, has a master’s degree in natural resources with an emphasis on environmental interpretation. Her talk will focus on tallgrass prairies including wildlife and particularly bison.
April 1 12:30pm
to be determined
May 6 9:30am
The Art Detective
Sarah Davy will guide us in looking for clues and symbols that help us "read" a painting as we try to understand what the artist had in mind. ​